Prim. doc. dr. med. sc. Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano
Prim. doc. dr. med. sc. Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano završila je Medicinski fakultet u Sarajevu 2001. godine, a specijalizaciju iz područja oftalmologije 2005. godine. Do 2011 zaposlena je u očnoj Klinici KCUS kada prelazi u Kliniku Svjetlost u Sarajevu gdje je i danas zaposlena kao specijalista oftalmologije, refraktivni hirurg.
Nakon završenog postdiplomskog studija odbranila je magistarski rad pod nazivom „Uloga pahimetrije u pristupu pacijentima sa primarnim glaukomom otvorenog komornog ugla, normotenzivnim glaukomom i okularnom hipertenzijom“ Doktorsku disertaciju odbranila je 2016. godine na temu "Uporedbe rezultata implantacije dvaju vrsta fakičnih intraokularnih leća za korekciju miopije."
U aprilu 2019. godine dodijeljeno joj je zvanje PRIMARIJUS, kao priznanje za dugogodišnji uspješan rad i na ostvarenim posebnim rezultatima na zaštiti zdravlja stanovništva i razvoju zdravstva.
U zvanje DOCENTA za naučnu oblast oftalmologija na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu izabrana je u martu 2023. godine.
Dr. Ahmedbegović Pjano bavi se prednjim segmentom oka i refraktivnom hirurgijom. Usavršavanje iz područja refraktivne hirurgije obavila je u Zagrebu pod mentorstvom prof. Nikice Gabrića i dr. Maje Bohač. Dr. Pjano je usko specijalizirana za lasersko skidanje dioptrije te je do sada izvela preko 15.000 ovih zahvata.
Publikacije i istraživanja
Učesnik je mnogobrojnih stručnih sastanaka, radionica i kongresa iz oblasti oftalmologije, kako kod nas tako i u inostranstvu tako da je u kontinuiranoj edukaciji iz te oblasti.
Članstvo u udrugama
Član je Europskog udruženja za kataraktu i refraktivnu hirurgiju te Hrvatskog društva za kataraktu i refraktivnu hirurgiju. Redovno sudjeluje kao aktivni predavač na godišnjim sastancima istih.
Glavne publikacije
Naučni i stručni radovi objavljeni u priznatim publikacijama relevantnih naučnih baza podataka
1. Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Biscevic A, Alikadic-Husovic A, Bejdic N, Bohac M. Comparison of Flap
Characteristics Created with Two Different Methods in Laser in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK).
Med Arch. 2021 Jun;75(3):204-208. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2021.75.204-208. PMID: 34483451;
PMCID: PMC8385742.
2. Pjano MA, Biscevic A, Grisevic S, Gabric I, Salkica AS, Ziga N. Pachymetry and Elevation Back Map
Changes in Keratoconus Patients After Crosslinking Procedure. Med Arch. 2020 Apr;74(2):105-108.
doi: 10.5455/medarh.2020.74.105-108. PMID: 32577050; PMCID: PMC7296420.
3. Pjano MA, Pidro A, Biscevic A, Grisevic S, Pandzic B, Cerovic V. Refractive Outcomes of Posterior
Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation for Correction of Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism.
Med Arch. 2017 Apr;71(2):93-96. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2017.71.93-96. PMID: 28790537; PMCID:
4. Pjano MA, Biscevic A, Grisevic S, Pidro A, Ratkovic M, Bohac M, Husovic AA, Gojak R. One Year
Follow-Up After Veriflex Phakic Intraocular LensesImplantation for Correction of Myopia. Acta
Inform Med. 2016 Jun;24(3):178-81. doi: 10.5455/aim.2016.24.178-181. Epub 2016 Jun 4. PMID:
27482131; PMCID: PMC4949021.
5. Ahmedbegović Pjano M, Alikadić-Husović A, Grišević S, Pašalić A, Pidro A, Ratković M, Bohač M,
Gabrić N, Gojak R. Efficacy and safety of iris-supported phakic lenses (Verisyse) for treating
moderately high myopia. Med Glas (Zenica).2016 Feb 1;13(1):25-30. doi: 10.17392/826-16. PMID: 26634850.
6. Pidro A, Ahmedegović‑Pjano M, Mravičić I, Grišević S, Biščević A, Pidro A. Laser keratomileusis in
treatment of anisometropic amblyopia in adults. Taiwan J Ophthalmol 2022;12:452-456. doi:
7. Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pasalic A, Ziga N, Gabric K, Bohac M. Changes in the Higher
Order Ocular Aberrations and Central Corneal Thickness After T-PRK and Fs-LASIK. Acta Inform Med.
2020 Jun;28(2):98-102. doi:10.5455/aim.2020.28.98-102. PMID: 32742060; PMCID: PMC7382778.
8. Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pandurevic B, Sofic-Drino V, Gabric I, Kovacevic D. Vector
Analysis of Visual Acuity and Refractive Outcomes of Astigmatic Corrections After T-PRK and Fs-
LASIK. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Sep;28(3):180-184. doi: 10.5455/aim.2020.28.180-184. PMID:
33417662; PMCID: PMC7780780.
9. Pidro A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Grisevic S, Sofic-Drino V, Gabric K, Biscevic A. Epidemiology of
Diabetic Retinopathy at Eye Clinic Svjetlost Sarajevo: Two Years Retrospective Single Center Study.
Mater Sociomed. 2019 Dec;31(4):290-293. doi: 10.5455/msm.2019.31.290-293. PMID: 32082096;
PMCID: PMC7007630.
10. Biscevic A, Bohac M, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pidro A, Bejdic N, Patel S.
The relationship between patient age and residual refractive error after uneventful
laser in situ keratomileusis for moderate-to-high hyperopia. Eur J Ophthalmol.
2021 Jul;31(4):1725-1732. doi: 10.1177/1120672120937658. Epub 2020 Jun 28. PMID:
11. Biscevic A, Pidro A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Bjedic N, Bohac M, Patel S. Vector
Analysis of Changes in the Higher Order Ocular Aberrations and Central Corneal
Thickness After T-PRK and Fs-LASIK. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Mar;28(1):24-28. doi:
10.5455/aim.2019.28.24-28. PMID: 32210511; PMCID: PMC7085314.
12. Bejdic N, Biscevic A, Pjano MA, Ivezic B. Incidence of Keratoconus in
Refractive Surgery Population of Vojvodina - Single Center Study. Mater
Sociomed. 2020 Mar;32(1):46-49. doi: 10.5455/msm.2020.32.46-49. PMID: 32410891;
PMCID: PMC7219717.
13. Biscevic A, Bohac M, Pjano MA, Grisevic S, Patel S, Pidro A. Treatment of
High Astigmatism with WaveLight Allegretto Eye-Q Excimer Laser Platform. Acta
Inform Med. 2019 Sep;27(3):177-180. doi: 10.5455/aim.2019.27.177-180. PMID: 31762574; PMCID:
14. Pidro A, Ratkovic M, Pjano MA, Biscevic A. A Case Study of Choroideremia and
Choroideremia Carrier. Med Arch. 2019 Feb;73(1):61-62. doi:
10.5455/medarh.2019.73.61-62. PMID: 31097864; PMCID: PMC6445630.
15. Ziga N, Biscevic A, Pjano MA, Pidro A. Marcus Gunn Jaw-Winking Syndrome: a Case Report. Med
Arch. 2019 Aug;73(4):282-284. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2019.73.282-284. PMID: 31762566; PMCID:
16. Biscevic A, Pidro A, Pjano MA, Grisevic S, Ziga N, Bohac M. Lasik as a Solution for High
Hypermetropia. Med Arch. 2019 Jun;73(3):191-194. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2019.73.191-194. PMID:
31402804; PMCID: PMC6643362.
17. Pidro A, Biscevic A, Pjano MA, Mravicic I, Bejdic N, Bohac M. Excimer Lasers in Refractive
Surgery. Acta Inform Med. 2019 Dec;27(4):278-283. doi: 10.5455/aim.2019.27.278-283. PMID:
32055096; PMCID: PMC7004285.
18. Grišević S, Gilevska F, Biščević A, Ahmedbegović-Pjano M, Pidro A, Patel S, Bohač M. Cross-
linking treatment for better visual acuity. Med Glas (Zenica). 2020 Feb 1;17(1):123-128. doi:
10.17392/1071-20. PMID: 31845564.
19. Grisevic S, Gilevska F, Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Bohac M, Pidro A. Keratoconus
Progression Classification One Year After Performed Crosslinking Method Based on ABCD
Keratoconus Grading System. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Mar;28(1):18-23. doi:
10.5455/aim.2020.28.18-23. PMID: 32210510; PMCID: PMC7085316.
20. Mravicic I, Gulic MP, Barisic A, Biscevic A, Pjano MA, Pidro A. Different Surgical Approaches for
Treatment of Dissociated Vertical Deviation (DVD). Med Arch. 2019 Dec;73(6):386-390. doi:
10.5455/medarh.2019.73.386-390. PMID: 32082005; PMCID: PMC7007610.
Biščević A, Ahmedbegović-Pjano M, Žiga N, „Marcus Gunn Jaw-Winking Syndrome -A presentation
and management of Marcus Gunn congenital ptosis“, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020
Naučni i stručni radovi objavljeni u priznatim publikacijama
1.M. Ahmedbegovic-Pjano, Alma Biscevic, Nina Ziga, Mirnesa Odobasic, Ivan Gabric, Maja
Bohac. Automated Microkeratomes in Laser in Situ Keratomileusis.Int J Biomed Healthc.:2018;
6-1:18-21| DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2018.6.18-21
2. M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović, N. Drača, A. Pašalić, N. Gabrić.
First results of LASIK procedure in Eye Clinic „Svjetlost“ Sarajevo.
Medicinski žurnal. 2012; vol.18(4):288-291.
3. M. Ahmedbegović-Pjano, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić-Husović, N. Drača, A. Pašalić. Implantation of Iris-
fixated phakic lens for correction of myopia. Medicinski žurnal. 2012; vol.18(2): 77-81.
4. M. Ahmedbegović-Pjano, S. Ljaljević. Centralna debljina rožnice u okularnoj hipertenziji.
Oftalmološki arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine. 2009; (1-4):1-5.
5. Alma Biscevic, Melisa Ahmedbegovic Pjano, Nita Bejdic, Bojana Pandurevic, Damir
Kovacevic, Maja Bohac. Tear Film Comparison Between Femtosecond Laser and Microkeratome in
Laser in Situ Keratomileusis. Int J Biomed Healthc.:2020; 8-1: 11-15 | DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2020.8.11-15
6. Alma Biscevic, Melisa Ahmedbegovic-Pjano, Nita Bejdic, Vernesa Sofic-Drino, Kresimir Gabric,
Maja Bohac. History of Astigmatism Diagnostics. Int J Biomed Healthc.:2019; 7-1: 42-46 | DOI:
7. Petrovic B, Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Skopljak-Salkica A. The Importance of IOL
Selection in Patients With Young-age Cataracts: a Case Report. Int J Biomed Healthc.:2022; 10-4:
176-182. DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2022.10.176-182
8. S. Ljaljević, V. Jurišić, M. Sefić, M. Ahmedbegović. Releasable suturaes in trabeculectomy. South-
East Eur J Ophthalmol. 2006; 1(3-4): 64-7.
9. S. Ljaljević, V. Jurišić, M. Ahmedbegović. Uticaj Timolola i Xalatana na intraokularni pritisak i vidno
polje u pacijenata sa primarnim glaukomom otvorenog komornog ugla. Oftalmološki arhiv Bosne i
Hercegovine. 2006; 32(1-4):1-11.
10. Alimanović-Halilović E. Pranjić-Lika M, Ahmedbegović M, Grišević S, Begović E. Centralna serozna
horioretinopatija-prikaz slučaja. Oftalmološki arhiv FBiH. 30(1-2)66-9; 2004.
11. Ljaljević S, Jurišić V, Sefić M, Ahmedbegović M. Novi pristup u trabekulektomiji.
Oftalmološki arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine. 2004, 30(3-4):33-7.
12. S. Ljaljevic, V. Jurisic, M. Pranjic, M. Ahmedbegovic. Efficacy and safety of prostaglandin analogs
and beta blockers in treating petients with primary open angle glaucoma. Medicinski žurnal. 2011,
13. Jurišić V, Ljaljević S, Sefić M, Ibišević M, Ahmedbegović M, Begović E. Long term visual field
follow-up of glaucoma patients treated with beta-blockers. Oftalmološki arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine.
14. Sofic-Drino V, Bejdic N, Skopljak-Salkica A, Mehmedovic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Biscevic A.
Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in the City of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Int J Biomed
Healthc.:2023; 11-1: 35-39. DOI: 10.5455/ijbh.2023.11.35-39.
Pozvano predavanje
One year experience of LASIK in Eye Clinic Svjetlost in Sarajevo. IV simpozijum sa međunarodnim učešćem: Savremeni trendovi u oftalmologiji; Vojnomedicinska akademija - Klinika za očne bolesti, Beograd, 2012.
Kongresna saopštenja, popis prezentacija održanih na međunarodnim skupovima
1.Petrović B, Gabric N, Ahmedbegović Pjano M, Biscevic A, Bejdic N. The Cataract Surgery With Implantion Of The Add-On Intraocular Lenses On A Pseudophacic Eye For Refractive Correction And Mfiol On The Other Eye With A Presenile Cataract Can Result With Visual Acuity Of 100%, ESCRS, Milan, 2022.
2. M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, S. Grišević, A. Pašalić, A Pidro, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović. One year results after implantation of Veriflex for correction of myopia. XI Congress of the Croatian Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2015.
3. S. Grišević, M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, A. Pašalić, A. Pidro, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović. Treatment of progressive keratoconus: One year follow up. Case report. XI Congress of the Croatian Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2015.
4. Implantation of Iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens (Verisyse) for correction of myopia.
M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović, N. Drača, A. Pašalić, N. Gabrić. X-th Congress of SEEOS; Ohrid, Makedonija, 2013.
5. M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović, N. Gabrić. Improvements in hyperopic LASIK. VIII Congress of the Croatian Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 2012.
6. M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, M. Bohač, A. Alikadić Husović, N. Gabrić. First results of LASIK procedure in Eye Clinic „Svjetlost“ Sarajevo. VII Congress of the Croatian Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 2011.
7. M. Ahmedbegović Pjano, S. Ljaljević, V. Jurišić, M. Lika Pranjić. Ocular hypertension and Central Corneal thickness. VI Congress of the Croatian Cataract and Refractive Surgery; Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2010.
8. S. Ljaljević, M.Ahmedbegović Pjano, M. Lika Pranjić. Glaucoma World Day: screening.
Congress of Ophthalmologist of South-East Europa, Tirana, Albania, 2010.
9. S. Ljaljević, V. Jurišić, M. Lika Pranjić, M. Ahmedbegović Pjano. Comparation between trabeculectomy with antimetabolite, trabeculectomy with Oculus Gen and trabeculectomy with Ex implant. III Congress of ophthalmologist of Federation of BiH; Tuzla, BiH, 2009.
10. S. Ljaljević, V. Jurišić, M Lika Pranjić, M. Ahmedbegović-Pjano. Releasable suture in trabeculectomy. 5ti kongres Hrvatskog Oftalmološkog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem; maj, 2005, Hvar, Hrvatska.
Učešće na seminarima, simpozijima i kursevima:
1.Virtual Global Network Program: Vision in ophtalmology:Striving for the next level of patient care, November 2022, at the Vrtual Global Network Program
2. International Symposium What's new in Ohtalmology; Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS), Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2019.
3.Simpozij sa međunarodnim učešćem „Gdje smo u ogtalmologiji u 21. vijeku“, oktobar 2019, KCUS, Sarajevo, BiH
4. Scientific Symposium News in Ophtalmology, The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The department of Medical Sciences & Special Eye Hospital Svjetlost, Department of Ophtalmology, School of medicine in Rijeka, University of Rijeka, Decembar 2017, Zagreb, Hrvatska
5. 14th South Eastern Europen Ophthalmological Society Meeting; oktobar 2017, Sarajevo, BiH.
6. Scientific Symposium What's new in refractive surgery; The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The department of Medical Sciences & Special Eye Hospital Svjetlost, Department of Ophtalmology, School of medicine in Rijeka, University of Rijeka, Jun 2016, Zagreb, Hrvatska
7.Association of Ophtalmologist of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina & Turkish Ophtalmological association, First Balkan Ophtalmology Meeting, april 2017, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
8. 12th Congress of the CSCRS, Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS), oktobar 2016 Zagreb, Hrvatska
9. 13th Congres of South East European Ophtalmological Society (SEEOS), 29 Sept-1 OCT 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia
10. 3th Ophthalmology October Symposuim with International Participation; KCUS, oktobar 2015, Sarajevo, BiH.
11. 10th Congress of the CSCRS, Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS), oktobar 2014 Zagreb, Hrvatska
12. 9th Congress of the CSCRS, Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS), oktobar 2013, Zagreb, Hrvatska
13. Oktobarski oftalmološki simpozij sa međunarodnim učešćem, oktobar 2013, KCUS, Sarajevo, BiH
14. 8th Congress of the CSCRS, Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS), oktobar 2012, Zagreb, Hrvatska
15. Stručni/znanstveni skup: Korak dalje od glaukoma; Merck Scharp&Dohne- Hrvatska lječnička komora, april 2011, Biograd, Hrvatska.
16. Glaucoma seminar, Phizer; maj 2010; Pag, Hrvatska Glaucoma seminar, MSD; mart 2010, Poreč, Hrvatska.
17. Fitting Toric and Multifocal Contact Lenses, Bousch&Lomb; maj 2009, Beograd, Srbija.
18. XXIV-th Congress of the Europen Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons; septembar 2006; London, UK.
19. 3rd South Eastern Ophthalmological Society Meeting; juli 2006, Tesaloniki, Grčka. 112th
20. Congress of France Society of Ophthalmology; maj 2006, Pariz, France. WET LAB, KCU Tuzla; oktobar 2005, Tuzla, BiH.
21. First Ophthalmological School: Course in Phakoemulsifikation; CSCRS; april 2005, Dubrovnik, Hrvatska.
22. Prva oftalmološka škola ultrazvuka, Oftalmološko udruženje u Federaciji BiH; mart 2005, Sarajevo, BiH.
23. 2nd Glaucoma Course, Lions ophthalmology educational center; oktobar 2004, Prag , Czech
24. First South Eastern European Ophthalmological Society Meeting; juni 2004, Sarajevo, BiH.
25. 2. kongres oftalmologa Federacije BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem; april 2002, Sarajevo, BiH.
26. 2. kongres Oftalmologa BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem; april 2002, Tuzla, BiH.